Here are some questions you may have before joining the Your Level Fitness Community. If there's something you're curious about but don't see here, email

Do I have to be a Your Level Fitness client to be part of this group?

No. Anyone, at any fitness level can jump in. YLF coaching clients do get priority when it comes to responses from me. 

I have a fitness business, can I be part of the YLF community?

Absolutely. This is a place for all types of people, with all types of experience in health and fitness. If you run a studio, have a practice or fall somewhere in between, I'd love for you to be a part of this. You may even end up with new patients/clients.

I coach people through their day, using the tools and resources they already have available. If my client has a personal trainer, attends a regular group class or works with another professional in this field, we'd be working together anyway. There's a lot a people that need help getting where they want to be. I think we can do a lot better as an industry if we work together.

Can I talk to group members about a product or service I'm a distributor for?

Yes, under specific conditions. If someone asks about the brand, product or service you rep, then feel free to contact them in the way they prefer. I'll be watching these interactions to make sure they don't get out of hand. Keep in mind, if someone lets me know they feel like they're being harassed, you and I will have a discussion, with you almost assuredly being removed from the group. If you want to use this community to push your product or service, then it's probably best you start your on community.

Think something needs to be added?
